Soil moisture analyzer

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Subject Categories

Electrical and Electronics | Systems and Communications


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Electronics and Communications Engineering


The project study, entitled Moisture content analyzer, deals with interfacing of a force transducer and a control switch for an oven with a personal computer. The main objective is to obtain the moisture content of a soil sample and relate it to its corresponding stress capacity or strength.It involves three major aspects, the analog to digital conversion, printer port interface for control of oven and for the acquisition of data coming from the force transducer, and the software which will manipulate data acquired by the computer.The analog to digital conversion includes the following:1. A reliable load cell transducer for convertion of force to its corresponding voltage.2. Amplifiers to boost the voltage to desired levels.3. A low cost analog to digital converter with a built in clock generator.The printer port interface includes the following:1. Parallel I/0 card for data acquisition from the ADC and for control of the oven.2. Relay circuit which will serve as a switch of the oven, this will be controlled by the computer.The software will includes the following steps and procedures: 1. Switching ON of the oven.2. Acquisition of data from ADC in short time intervals until a constant data of moisture content is achieved.3. Manipulation of data from the ADC for computation and convertion. It will also serve to compute for soils moisture content and stress capacity.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

101 leaves ; Computer printout


Soil moisture—Computer programs; Soil moisture—Measurement; Soil moisture—Measurement—Instruments

Embargo Period


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