"Caring: Cultivating the feminist ethics of care to Filipino cultural t" by Mara Angeli G. Valdez

Caring: Cultivating the feminist ethics of care to Filipino cultural traits

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Adviser

Natividad Dominique Manauat

Defense Panel Member

Elenita Garcia
Noelle Dela Cruz


The present study primarily focuses on selected Filipino traits and how each is enhanced through the Feminist ethics of care. The Filipino cultural traits included in this study are adapted from the four Filipino core values. These are love, interpreted as care (malasakit), honor, in the aspect of shame (hiya), power manifested in property (sakop), and security as seen in social belonging (pakikisama). The latter three selected traits are assumed gendered favoring males over females, while 'care' is assumed female-attributed, therefore given less value compared to other traits. Through the study of a feminist murality, the Filipino culture recognizes the significance of the said trait as it functions as a mediating value to similar and contrasting values in a given situation.

Culture has shaped the Filipino values we have now. Gender is also one of the factors, which influenced how Filipino traits are understood and used in the present times. The main concern of this paper is to show the importance of the Filipino trait pagmamalasakit. Moreover, the present study makes the reader aware of the gender bias that is present in these traits. It aims to exemplify care as an essential value theory, and that it is necessary in fostering relationships, assuming responsibility, and gaining and giving respect. Lastly, the study also aims to give the reader an overview of a feminist morality, as well as other moral systems.

The feminist ethics of care gives a whole new meaning to cultural traits b emphasizing the importance of relationships, responsibility and respect as motivating factors of care. By instilling, that particular care perspective, the cultural trait is enhanced as a value, confronting gender-implied notions. This allows an unbiased justification on gender related issues on these traditional Filipino values.

By studying a feminist morality, one learns that gender oppression is rooted in one's upbringing at home, school and eventually, one's experience of society. Historically, women have been oppressed and demeaned in every political aspect of society. However, the feminist ethics of care goes beyond fighting for women's morality. It fights for genuine gender equality, through the practice of care. Care brings out pakikipagkapwa in all Filipinos, were gender is not a conflicting issue rather, it becomes a ground for one's appreciation of each other. People learn to accept change, and make room for improvement in their lives. In this light, care is applied to Filipino values, which result to traits that are rightfully deserving to the Filipino.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

130, [12] leaves ; 28 cm.


Caring; Ethics; Values; Filipino

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