"Energy dispersive x-ray flourescence (EDXRF) analysis of heavy metals " by John Emer S. Patacsil

Energy dispersive x-ray flourescence (EDXRF) analysis of heavy metals on scalp hairs of Valenzuela City residents

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Premed Physics

Subject Categories

Biological and Chemical Physics


College of Science



Thesis Adviser

Edgar A. Vallar

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Cecilia D. Galvez

Defense Panel Member

Ofelia Rempillo
Evelyn Tamayo


Human scalp hair is a known bio indicator that could help trace the concentration of heavy metals in the body which can be linked to health effects to a person The research was conducted to perform an analysis of heavy metals found in scalp hairs of Valenzuela City residents using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and to correlate its effects to the subjects. This study also compared the amount of heavy metals found in the scalp hair of the subjects and determined its possible sources based on their lifestyle. Scalp hair samples from seventeen Valenzuela City residents were collected. After sample preparation and pulverization, the heavy metals were determined using EDXRF. Additional information required to evaluate the exposure was obtained by distributing questionnaires that ask for the basic lifestyle of the subjects. There were a total 17 heavy metals found in all subjects and only six, particularly T􀁋 Fe, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb were seen consistently in all the subjects. Among these six heavy metals, significant differences were only seen in Fe and As. For Fe, grouping variables that distinguishes frequent pork- or beef-eaters with non-frequent pork- or beef-eaters and frequent chicken-eaters with non-frequent chicken-eaters showed significant differences. On the other hand, for As, significant differences were found between unemployed subjects and those working outside Valenzuela Further, it was found out that some of the samples exceeded the reference values used for each heavy metal. In addition to this, their nature of work, frequent food intake, and lifestyle are most likely to cause exposure.

Abstract Format




Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall


Heavy metals—Physiological effect; Hair—Analysis

Embargo Period


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