"Study of particulate matter at the East Avenue and Department of Healt" by Kyle Martin S. Ilagan and Ramon Jan Luigi P. Tupaz

Study of particulate matter at the East Avenue and Department of Health air monitoring stations

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physics with Specialization in Medical Instrumentation

Subject Categories

Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring


College of Science



Thesis Adviser

Ofelia Rempillo

Defense Panel Chair

Edgar Vallar

Defense Panel Member

Gwen Castillon
Marivic Quides


This study determined and analyzed the concentration, elemental composition, and sources of Particulate Matter (PM) in the vicinity of the two manual air monitoring stations under the Environmental Management Bureau -National Capital Region, namely the East Avenue and Department of Health (DOH) stations. Samples of PM of sizes> 7.2 µm, 7.2 -3.0 µm, 3.0 -1.5 µm, 1.5 -0.95 µm, 0.95 -0.49 µm and ≤ 0.49 µm for Stages A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively, were gathered using multiple-slit high-volume cascade impactor set on high-volume air sampler. The 24-hour samplings were conducted from November 1, 2018, to January 28, 2019. The mass concentrations of PM samples for all stages were determined through gravimetric analysis. The average concentration of coarse particles collected in a 24-hour period is 13.5 µg m-3 in the East Avenue station and 10.8 µg m·3 in the DOH station. Both concentrations are below the established National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values (NAAQGV) for coarse particles of 150 µg m-3. The average concentrations of fine particles collected in a 24-hour period are 63. 3 µg m-3 and 68. 9 µg m-3 in the East Avenue and DOH stations, respectively. The fine particle concentration in both stations exceeded the established NAAQGV for fine particles of 50.0 µg m-3. The average fine particle concentrations during sunny and rainy weather were also analyzed. The average fine particle concentration in the East Avenue station exceeded the established 24-hour period guideline value (50.0 µg m-3) during sunny weather (69.2 µg m·3) but not during rainy weather (45.5 µg m·3). The average fine particle concentration in the DOH station exceeded the established 24-hour period guideline value (50.0 µg m-3) during both sunny weather (76.8 µg m-3) and rainy weather (53.0 µg m-3). Stage F PM samples were subjected to quantitative element analysis using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence. Chlorine, copper, iron, molybdenum, and sulfur were the elements with the highest concentrations for samples gathered at the East A venue station while chlorine, copper, hafnium, iron, and sulfur had the highest element concentrations for samples collected at the DOH station. Positive Matrix Factorization was utilized to determine and apportion sources of air pollution. The identified source factors included Industrial Emission, Road Dust, Soil, and Vehicular Emission. Results have indicated that a majority of the Stage F PM contributions can be attributed to vehicular emissions at both sampling stations.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall


Particulate matter—Philippines—Metro Manila; Air—Analysis; Air quality monitoring stations—Philippines—Metro Manila

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