"A marketing plan for Dr. Martens Philippines" by Hannah Althea SP. Dar Juan, Katrina Bianca S. Demafeliz et al.

A marketing plan for Dr. Martens Philippines

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Marketing Management

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising

Thesis Adviser

Lysa Sanchez

Defense Panel Chair

Enrique V. Da Rosa

Defense Panel Member

Jay San Luis


Dr. Martens has been in the industry for more than 50 years. It has captured the market in 1960s with its round-toe, yellow-stitched, and Bouncing Soles design that has been associated with the idea of rebellion. Over the years, Dr. Martens association with different groups, ranging from working class to Ska to the more contemporary youth, was able to carry on. Though the once held perceptions of the brand waned in the early 2000s and have only gotten back through a series of marketing campaigns, the stigma of its predecessors particularly its rebelliousness against an existing paradigm endures.

The marketing plans that are presented here are all based on the brands core idea: To make a statement, one must be different. Dr. Martens still stands for being a medium of self-expression. As such, this paper details strategies that use all possible avenues where the brand can achieve its financial goals without compromising its core values.

Social media will be a platform for several of the programs the group suggested. This includes the international campaign, which will also be amplified locally through events like Stand For Something Bar tour and Boot Anthem Campus tour. To increase sales of other designs, there will be collaborations with notable fashion designers and bloggers.

The marketing plan will require a total investment of Php 1, 595, 797 The estimated profit for the year 2014 is Php 2,543,115. Evaluation tools for the strategies used were identified to easily monitor the effectiveness of each program.

Abstract Format






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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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