"Hearts and hands: Corporate social responsibility among multinational " by Francis Angeles, Ma. Cristina Eusebio et al.

Hearts and hands: Corporate social responsibility among multinational companies in the Philippines

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences

Subject Categories

Social and Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Thesis Adviser

Myla Arcinas

Defense Panel Chair

Jesusa Marco

Defense Panel Member

Romeo Lee
Janet Arnado


Traditionally, corporation and companies were known to be big-profit making machines. But nowadays, more and more companies are becoming more interested in helping the communities in which they operate through a program called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR in the Philippines has truly come a long way and companies are becoming more and more concern in the impact of their CSR programs for the society. The study aimed to describe the CSR programs of eight multinational companies (MNCs), specifically, their reasons and advantages for engaging in CSR their CSR domains and programs problems and disadvantages experienced in CSR the strategies employed by the companies to improve their CSR programs lessons learned and recommendations to improve CSR programs in the country. Moreover, this study looked at how multi-national companies assess their CSR programs. The study used a descriptive-evaluative research design with key interview method, as primary data collection instrument. Secondary information coming from different resources such as official company documents and the internet was utilized to supply more data. The findings show that companies' CSR programs are their way of giving back to the society what is due to them and as a gratitude for supporting the companies' products and services. CSR is a way of creating an image and influence that is positively accepted by the society and other MNCs. Most of the CSR programs in the Philippines are created based on the community service domain, focusing on education and health and the environment domain. CSR problems that occurred include lack of employee support and participation for the company's CSR efforts and the government's lack of accountability. On the other hand, no disadvantages were noted since most companies perceived that CSR is a positive program for them. Strategies most often used by the MNCs to solve their CSR problems focused on developing partnerships and keeping track of the consistency of the programs with the company's vision, miss

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various foliations) leaves

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