The economic policies of National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler, 1933-1938
Date of Publication
Document Type
Bachelor's Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Major in European Studies
College of Liberal Arts
International Studies
This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of the economic programs launched by the National Socialist Government of Adolf Hitler during the years 1933-1938 for Germany, in light with the problem statement: How did the National Socialist regime of Adolf Hitler solved Germany's problems in the 1930's, specifically during the Great Depression, and the contribution of the nazi economic programs, the author provided a historical background by narrating the economic situation ten years before the rule of Hitler. The economy of Germany, during the period 1923-1933, was a dismal one compared with her neighboring countries in Europe such as France and England, suffering two periods of immense crisis namely the 1923 Inflation and the 1929 Great Depression. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany during the peak of the Great Depression. It was at this time that the unemployed reached its maximum number of more than six million. Unemployment he solved by a far-reaching program of public works and an intense rearmament program, including the creation of a new and huge standing army. National pride, lost during the First World War and further terminated with the Treaty of versailles was regained. What Adolf Hitler id to Germany in less than six years was applauded wildly and ecstatically by most Germans and in so doing he lifted the nation from its post-war defeatism. An assessment was conducted by the researcher and he cited his objective analysis of which policy best addressed the unemployment problem, consequently, it was the rearmament policy that primarily solved this problem.
Abstract Format
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Shelf Location
Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall
Physical Description
92 leaves
Recommended Citation
Cortes, B. (2001). The economic policies of National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler, 1933-1938. Retrieved from
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