"RP-AS SOVFA: A bilateral agreement that should enhance maritime border" by Nolan Redji Domingo and Sevilla, Rey Arvin D.

RP-AS SOVFA: A bilateral agreement that should enhance maritime border security of the participating countries

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Legal Management

Subject Categories

Commercial Law


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Commercial Law

Thesis Adviser

Ma. Cecilia B. Jimenez

Defense Panel Member

Augusto R. Bundang,
Zenaida S. Manalo


The research revolves around the examination of RP-AS SOVFA. It aims to examine the validity of the treaty by finding out if it is coherent with the 1987 Philippine Constitution. The coherence of the RP-AS SOVFA with the 1987 Philippine Constitution is based on the sovereignty clause stated in Article II, Section 1 and the tax exemption clause stated in Article VI, Section 28(4) of the Philippine Constitution. With the aid of the gathered data regarding the deliberations of the RP-AS SOVFA the researcher were able to analyze the arguments raised in favor and against the treaty. The study is also based on the Liberalism International Theory. It is a theory that promotes lasting peace and cooperation among two nations that have common interests. To further analyze the treaty, the researchers looked through the intention of the Constitutional Commission with respect to the provisions mentioned above. So, through the analysis of the arguments raised in the context of the RP-AS SOVFA and the intention of the analysis of the arguments raised in the context of the RP-AS SOVFA and the intention of the Constitutional Commission regarding Article II Section 1 and Article VI Section 28(4) of the constitution, the researchers found the RP-AS SOVFA unconstitutional. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the researchers found the RP-AS SOVFA unconstitutional. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the researchers to re-draft and re-deliberate the SOVFA in order for the treaty to be coherent with the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

146 leaves

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