"An advertising campaign for Project Green" by Mariano Escueta, Melissa Pascual et al.

An advertising campaign for Project Green

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Advertising Management

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising


Throughout the course of Philippine history, beer has been constant in man's palate, a regular on the table, from day till dawn. It also serves as an indicator as to how the economy is doing, sales are up when the company is good and consumption decreases when the economic situation declines.

Consumer lifestyle has change drastically from three years ago emerging health clubs are proof to this claim. At present, low-calorie beers dominate the beer market, capturing the health-conscious individuals. The introduction on light beers has increased consumer consumption. Another lifestyle change in the market is the preference of drinking in off-premise areas such as out-of-town trips or simply hanging out in a friend's house. Since the beer industry has been proliferated with different variations or formulations of beer, plus the rise in 2alcopops3 meaning, drinks such as fruit shakes, coffee, mixed (alcohol) drinks, soda pops and other mixed beverages, the market now has more choices with the vast array of products which is tantamount to niche marketing.

Blue Ice Beer is the only ice-filtered beer out in the market to date. But in the last three years, marketing and advertising for Blue Ice Beer has stopped. Its target market has assumed that Blue Ice Beer has been discounted, but in fact it is still available in large supermarkets, trying to dispose of their remaining stock.

The proponent aims to re-capture the Gen-X market, wherein Blue Ice Beer focused, by launching ice-filtered beer, with beer, with a 0.5 higher than the usual 5 percent alcohol content in the regular beers such as San Mig Light and Pale Pilsen. The launched seeks to capture the target market, and persuade non-beer drinkers to try the product and acquire entry- level drinkers.

The product will be differentiated from other beers as the only beer in the market that caters to the 18-24 years old upper popular segment. Added competitive edges would be its light-blue color which consumers fid highly attractive (Refer to Table CT-2 of Appendix D), the added 0.5 percent in alcohol content and the smoothness of the beer created by ice-filtration. Taste, price and hit ranked the highest as the main preferences of consumers (Refer to FGD-1 of Appendix D).

The creative execution will be a cool, out-of-the-box concept that would emphasis on the smoothness of the product, underscoring the power of music that influences the youth.

With the total 30 million peso budget, 41 percent (P12, 283,436) would be used for television placements in channels such as MTV, Studio 23, ABS-CBN and AXN. Radio, would take up 16 percent (P 4,916,284) and would be airing in stations with different genres, catering to the ABC+ segment. Print placements, which takes up 5 percent (P 1,521,729), would encompass FHM magazine and broadsheets such as Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star. Total production costs for tri-media and merchandising blitz would be tagged at 23 percent (P 6,850,201.77). The launched campaign would run from March 2003 to May 2003 where the principal objective is to launch Green to the young males, ages 18-24 years of age in the upper popular segment.

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