"A study on the usage, preferences and image of PBA aficionados on rubb" by Kristine Joy Cobrado, Karla Gaye Costa et al.

A study on the usage, preferences and image of PBA aficionados on rubbing alcohol

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Marketing Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising


The study aims to determine the usage, image and attitude (UAI) of PBA Aficionados as potential market for CAVEL's rubbing alcohol product. Specifically, the study includes the following: frequency of usage purpose of rubbing alcohol usage, frequent buyer of rubbing alcohol size and price of rubbing alcohol used most often place of purchase preference for rubbing alcohol exclusively for men/women distinguishing factor in a rubbing alcohol made exclusively for men/women rubbing alcohol scent preference factors considered in buying a rubbing alcohol degree of importance of rubbing alcohol attributes by sex, age, civil status brand used most often and level of satisfaction with brand used most often.

A descriptive method was used through a survey research approach to PBA Aficionados who are rubbing alcohol users residing in Metro Manila. Specifically, a purposive, quota sampling was done to make sure that the respondents interviewed were the valid representatives of PBA Aficionados.

The demographic profile of PBA Aficionados according to age and gender were equally proportioned in the distribution of the respondents to different Shopping malls, which are the sampling areas chosen for the survey. The respondents were personally interviewed through the use of structured survey questionnaire.

A total of 114 respondents were surveyed, revealing the following findings and conclusions:

Most of the respondents use rubbing alcohol frequently. It is used mostly as a disinfectant. As to the brand most widely used, Green Cross is the predominant product among the respondents.

Large-sized rubbing alcohol is the size mostly bought by the majority, spending at least P27 per bottle for this size. As to the place where they usually buy their rubbing alcohol, majority answered in the supermarkets and groceries.

A high extent of the respondents would buy a rubbing alcohol made exclusively for their gender, if available. They prefer a scented rubbing alcohol. As to the kind of scent, masculine scent is regarded over the other types. However, in terms of the strength of the scent, an average scent is mostly preferred. Almost all the PBA Aficionados consider quality as the top-of-mind unaided answer in buying a rubbing alcohol, thus, giving it a significant edge among all other factors.

Most of the respondents perceived scent as the distinguishing factor should a rubbing alcohol be made especially for men/women. As to the attributes of a rubbing alcohol, majority scaled quality as very important. In terms of the level of satisfaction to the brand they are using, most said that they are satisfied by the brand they are using and that many of the important attributes of a rubbing alcohol are being satisfied by the brand of rubbing alcohol they most often use.

Based on the preceding conclusions of the study, a marketing mix program will be recommended which would contribute to CAVEL's pursuit on marketing a rubbing alcohol product.

As a market nicher, X rubbing alcohol should cater to PBA Aficionados, according to the male and female market. Each gender should have an exclusive rubbing alcohol made especially to cater to their specific needs. Through a competitive analysis, it was learned that few rubbing alcohol manufacturers position their product for a specific gender, thus, creating a big marketing potential for CAVEL.

Since the distinguishing factor of an exclusive rubbing alcohol relies mainly on the scent, a masculine type of scent is recommended for men. As for women, floral fragrance is advisable. With regard to its strength, an average scented rubbing alcohol would be preferred by both sex.

CAVEL should concentrate more on marketing large-sized rubbing alcohol as part of its strategies, although producing other sizes is not discouraged.

The packaging of X rubbing alcohol should be well thought of, distinguishing it from other brands of rubbing alcohol. When coming up with packaging and labeling designs, the company should be sure that it would create an impact and will retain in the mind of the consumers. In addition, the company should take note of the designs that a particular sex would find attractive. One of the common denominator is for both products to position the rubbing alcohol as an effective disinfectant that can be used frequently. Moreover, the alcohol content should also be given emphasis since it is one of the most important attributes the respondents considered. Male perception is that the higher the alcohol content, the more effective it is to disinfect. Also, male respondents believe that it is more appropriate for men. Thus, the company could position their product as a strong and effective kind of rubbing alcohol.

Competitive pricing strategy would best fit the company. As a new product in the market, a price lower than its competitors could entice followers to try X rubbing alcohol . However, the range of the price would also depend on how the company would position the product.

For starters, distribution to Metro Manila retailers would be sufficient enough to cover the company's potential market. As the company expands on the product, distribution areas could expand as well. Considering the convenience of the potential market, retailers, particularly supermarkets and grocery stores should be given importance as to the place on where to sell the product.

According to the results of the study, endorsements are very critical Recommendations from the doctors are highly regarded by the public. Thus, an advertisement with qualified doctors as endorsers could benefit the image of the company. The endorsement of the doctor signifies the product's quality, safetiness, effectivity and reliability.

Also, use the established name of Vintage Enterprises as the manufacturer. Consumers already rely and feel confident of the product, if they know who their manufacturer is. This would also bring a high recall memory for the consumers because Vintage Enterprises is already a well-known and reputable company.

Promotional items is not recommended as a strategy to boost sales. It was revealed that promotional items does not entice the customer sufficiently to buy a product. The factor in considering what brand to buy always boils down to quality.

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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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85 numb. leaves

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