"A study on the values, norms, and practices of a multinational corpora" by Carinthia R. Esmaquel, Mary Ann L. Lim et al.

A study on the values, norms, and practices of a multinational corporation: The case of Nokia Philippines, Inc.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences


This study sought to explore and describe the norms, values and practices of Nokia Philippines, Inc. The study aimed to provide the readers on overview of the values, norms, and practices of the company, the company's profile of employees and the organizational structure of the company, the human resource management of the company, which include the hiring and promotion of the employees, the training and orientation of new employees, the rewards and recognition given to employees who performed well and the way the company disciplines their employees. These were determined by interviewing a total of eighteen respondents, which consisted of two key informants from the top-level management, eight managers and eight non-managers. The research design that was used was exploratory descriptive. An interview guide was used to conduct and execute the interview. Additional data from company brochures and pamphlets were gathered and analyzed by content analysis of documents.

The researchers found out that the values and norms of Nokia Philippines, Inc. played a big role in the company. Majority of the respondents live by the company's four core values and norms which includes respect for the individual, customer satisfaction, achievement and continuous learning. With regard to practices, the employees were given the creative freedom in dealing with their work. The company also recognizes exceptional performances by giving their employees incentives, which include monetary benefits, vacation privileges and car plans. Other aspects that were seen by the researchers as being relevant in the study of the values, norms and practices of a multinational corporation were the impact of cultural diversity in the workplace on the company's overall performance, and the future challenges of the corporation in their continued stay in the Philippines as perceived by the employees. Lastly, the study showed the importance of values, norms and practices in achieving the company's goals and mission.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

117 leaves

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