"SIMNET: A simulation model of network routing algorithms" by Girlie A. Amoranto, Edwin J. Mance et al.

SIMNET: A simulation model of network routing algorithms

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Specialization in Computer Technology


College of Computer Studies


Computer Technology


The role of computer networks in the advancement of man cannot be ignored. It has brought about a second Industrial Revolution, enabling man to double his productivity. We now live in the so called Information Age where people can enjoy faster communication in all its forms, faster turnover of business transactions, less manual procedures for documentation and for any process that requires time and space. With this advancement, comes the need for more professionals trained in this field. Thus the production of more learning materials and courses offered for this subject. One way of understanding how computer networks operate is by building a network model and simulating its various operations. Not only is this method of learning cheap, but it gives a clearer picture of the performance of a network unlike learning through books or listening to a professor. At the heart of computer networks existing globally is a set of standards established by the ISO (International Standards Organization) as the International basis of computer network architecture. This is the OSI (Open System Interconnect) Reference Model which defined seven layers to show network protocol hierarchies. One of these layers is called the Network Layer. When one of the computers in a network wants to send a message to another computer of the same network situated halfway across the world, it is the Network Layer's job to make sure that this message reaches the receiving end. The layer routes this message by hopping through a number of intermediate computers until it reaches the desired computer. There are various methods of routing, these are called routing algorithms. In setting up a network, a study is usually conducted to determine which routing algorithm is best for its purposes.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various pagings)


Computer simulation; Mathematical models; Computer networks; Algorithms

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