Acting in experience

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy


College of Liberal Arts




In this study entitled Acting in Experience , I hope to present ideas regarding experience as moments of purpose in relation to how I understand them to by way of my choices. In going through the study, I shall make use of phenomenological description as I discuss my notions and ideas regarding the experience and how I acted vis-a-vis my experiences. In the context of this work, experience is taken to be that moment when the self chooses to act or react on a particular possibility that has been both presented to her and that her self has called out to. Conversely, not acting out or reacting to a possibility is to not experience that possibility. The possibility is then not appropriated by one's self. Rather, the possibility merely passes by the self as a non-experienced event, and is not experienced by it. On the other hand, the Self is understood to be that which chooses to either undergo or not undergo the experience of acting a possibility. The concern of this work is more of the Self in relation to experience. Thus, the nature of the Self, its what-ness, whether it is mind, body, Spirit or an abstruse and ineffable combination of the three is of little consequence because whether it be the mind, or body, or Spirit, or the combination of the three experiencing, ultimately it is still the self to which all the experiencing, is attributed as a whole. Not so much of its experiencing because it is a mind, a body, or spirit or even a combination of the three. The self encounters different possibilities in which it chooses to act or react in life. It is in these encounters that she eventually understands her self better and it is in this light that the self and her experience shall be discussed in reference to the ideas of karma and reincarnation. Not so much on the Buddhist or Hindu notion of karma and reincarnation, in light of the possibilities which this life bring before her experience. In the end, the thesis concludes that the best way I can handle my situation is by my own way of understanding my encounters and in acting in these encounters in order that I may experience, and understand and accept my own situation.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

63 leaves


Experience; Reincarnation; Existential phenomenology; Self (Philosophy)

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