Mesh-guided lego model synthesis

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Florante R. Salvador

Defense Panel Member

Conrado D. Ruiz Jr.
Rafael A. Cabredo


We propose a polygonal approximation that will use a 3D mesh to guide the user in building 3D Lego models. Lego model building is a popular activity to children and adults alike as it is considered an intellectual activity that enhances people’s creativity. However, building Lego models from scratch demands skill, creativity and experience regardless of whether real Lego bricks of Lego CAD’s will be used. Conceptualization also plays a vital role in the building process, and may pose great difficulty on the part of the builder, especially when the model is very large and complicated. One approach in handling this problem is by developing a system that allows users to build their Lego models with the help of a guide. With the use of polygonal approximation on the meshes, a guide will be constructed with respect to the Lego bricks imported from Lego parts library. It will specify the mesh structure. The Lego Bricks will be imported from a Lego parts library and the mesh will be structured in the form of the imported Lego brick.

Abstract Format






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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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