"3D facial movement replication using digital video" by Derrick G. Espiritu, Rommel A. Mendoza et al.

3D facial movement replication using digital video

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Ronello T. Jose

Defense Panel Member

Florante R. Salvador

Ruiz R. Conrado, Jr.


The Philippines is one of the growing game development countries in the world. As of now the game titles that have been produced by local companies are less than a handful. Some of today's games are becoming more and more realistic in terms of the look, the feel and the motion that is done by the characters within a game. Motion capture is one of the most optimal way of replicating movement for 3D movement.

The research has devised a way to replicate, or at the very least approximate, the movements of human face in a given digital video to a 3D face model. The proponents have utilized image processing techniques for movement detection and XML scripting for movement encoding. As for the #D face renderer, the proponents have used the XFace Toolkit. The system posted an average correctness of 80.60% using frame per second comparison of the input video and 3D animation sequence output. The proponents also conducted a survey to reduce the subjectivity of the visual comparison, which in turn has an average of 77.06% confidence value.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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