"Context-free grammar multimedia intelligent tutoring system (CFG-MINTS" by Carlo Paolo T. Galvey, Marie Christine D. Gocolay et al.

Context-free grammar multimedia intelligent tutoring system (CFG-MINTS)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Rhodora Reyes

Defense Panel Member

Merlin A. Cruz

Arnulfo P. Azcarraga


Multimedia Intelligent Tutoring System (CFG-MINTS) is intended for an introductory course Theory of Computation focusing on context-free grammars incorporating the use of multimedia in the teaching to improve instruction. An ITS is a computer-based tutorial that is capable of effectively detecting and correcting errors and misconceptions of the users by modeling the cognitive processes of its learner-users. The Tutor Model of this ITS is comprised of a set of strategies in teaching context-free grammar, a knowledge base consisting of rules specifying the best strategy to utilize, and an algorithm that determines which teaching action (rule) to be deployed given the goals of the system and the current state of the Student Model. The possible set of pedagogic action would consist of lessons, examples, drills for application and interactive question and answer. The Student Model uses the Constraint-Based Modeling (CBM) in understanding the current state of mind of the user. CBM reduces the complexity of student modelling by focusing only on the errors committed and the analysis is reduced to pattern matching. The assumption here is that there can be no correct solution of a problem that traverses a problem state, which violates the fundamental ideas, or concepts of the domain. The system also includes features for simulating the created context-free grammar to aid in teaching. MINTS Authoring Tool is an external facility that lets the user maintain the curriculum and student database used by CFG-MINTS.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various foliations) : ill. 29 cm. + technical & user's manual


Intelligent tutoring systems; Intelligent agents (Computer systems); Artificial intelligence-- Educational applications; Knowledge management; Computer programming--Computer-assisted instruction; Interactive computer systems; Instructional systems--Design

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