"Bedbugs Inc." by Darlene C. Ebron, Rommel P. Lagmay et al.

Bedbugs Inc.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Business Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Business Management


Executive Summary. Bedbugs Inc. is a manufacturing firm of BedBugs. A Bedbug is an innovative product that comprises of various ideas taken from other similar products. A Bedbug is basically a pillow resembling certain animal facial features depending on the product line. It is made out of high quality materials such as the taffeta cloth. A bedbug in definition is actually an insect, but by giving it a 'cute' image, the corporation could then use it as its sole name.

In setting up the corporation, there was a need for the Incorporators, to invest two thousand five hundred pesos (P 2,500), subscribe to 1000 shares each in order to comply with the requirements before a corporation may be approved.

Bedbugs is a creative product especially chosen by the proponents. In order to come up with the product itself, the proponents made sure that the production process of using machinery and materials were available. In the technical aspect of this study, the proponents were more than able to perform the manufacturing process and to make the availability of suppliers and machines, so that the proponents could pursue the reliability of the product. In this study, cost per unit of production and break-even computations were also used and shown. Results showed that after selling 10 units per month, break-even may be achieved. This shows as an incentive indicator that the proponents may easily recover their cost and still gain a profit especially if the 112 units per month desired production capacity is followed

On the market aspect, survey results show that there will be a potential monthly demand of 943 and a market share 11.88%. This shows that for the 112 units of production, there is already a share for the product in the market. With this the corporation may decide to produce more in order to satisfy the projected demand. A survey was conducted using simple random sampling. This part also showed the different marketing strategies that may be employed. The survey shows that the TV commercials is the primary promotional tool of the corporation. The proponents will try to achieve this. In coming up with the price, cost plus, demand based and competition-based pricing were used. The proponents made use of a 42% mark-up for the product and came up with a selling price of one hundred eighty-five pesos (P 185) per unit.

Financial analysis also showed positive results. Profits may be generated in the continuance of the business and the resulting return on investment was positive.

In constructing the organization structure, a careful process was established for each position. With mutual accordance, rules and regulations and disciplinary actions were formulated and agreed upon. Legal requirements can be complied with and a Gantt chart of activities was created to provide the schedule and to ensure pre-operational and post-operational activities.

With the results established, the proponents have valid reason to continue with the proposed project. The proponents truly believe in the product.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

107 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out.

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