"Tissue C N P content of Avicennia lanata Ridley in Talin Bay, Lian, Ba" by Gilbert Y. Emas, Roldan K. Landazabal et al.

Tissue C N P content of Avicennia lanata Ridley in Talin Bay, Lian, Batangas

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biology


College of Science




Different plant parts of Avicennia lanata Ridley were collected in the intertidal flat of Talin Bay for tissue C:N:P analysis in two sampling periods representing the dry and wet months. Tissue elemental concentrations varied among plant parts. Higher carbon content was measured in older tissue, such as stem and pneumatophore, which could be attributed to the accumulation of structural carbohydrate. On the other hand, nitrogen content was higher in the younger tissue, for the synthesis of chlorophyll pigment. Higher pigment concentration in young leaves facilitates photosynthetic efficiency of the plant. Moreover, phosphorus content was also higher in younger plant tissue such as the flower where it is needed for its development to seeds. Nutrient flux has been reported and observed to be higher during the wet months of the year. Conversely, the higher mean tissue nutrient concentration during the March 1998 sampling (representing the dry month) could be attributed to the plants time-lagged nutrient absorption. The instantaneous high tissue C:P ratio indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient during the sampling period.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

23 leaves + appendix ; Computer print-out.

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