"The relationship between proactive personality and charismatic leaders" by Mikhael Bianca Y. Lee, Jessica Rhodora C. Remiter et al.

The relationship between proactive personality and charismatic leadership as moderated by divergent thinking in the act of student leadership

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Defense Panel Member

Adrianne John Galang


The present study is a correlational quantitative research. The researchers utilized a predictive cross-section non-experimental research design. The objectives of the study were to determine the relationship of proactive personality (predictor) and divergent thinking (moderator) to charismatic leadership (criterion), and to discover the degree of extent to which divergent thinking would either strengthen or weaken the relationship between an individual's proactive personality and charismatic leadership (criterion), and to discover the degree of extent to which divergent thinking would either strengthen or weaken the relationship between an individual's proactive personality and charismatic leadership. Participants for this study are student leaders coming from the top four universities in the Philippines. Among the 180 student leaders who answered the survey, only 77 were used for the analysis of the study (Mage=19.35, SD = 1.36). Data was gathered with the use of an online survey. The Proactive Personality Scale by Bateman and Crant (1993} and the Conger-Kanungo Charismatic Leadership Scale (CK-20) were used to measure proactive personality and charismatic leadership respectively. Divergent thinking was measured by giving participants three different divergent thinking tasks. Results showed that only proactive personality has a significant effect on charismatic leadership. It was also found out that divergent thinking does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between proactive personality and charismatic leadership, with an overall model fit of R=.543, R2 = 295, and R2adj=.266, with F(1, 73) = 10.17,p>0.05.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

79 leaves ; 28 cm.


Personality and motivation; Motivation (Psychology); Leadership

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