"Story sense: Acquiring commonsense knowledge with children stories" by Kaizer Bienes, Nickleus Jimenez et al.

Story sense: Acquiring commonsense knowledge with children stories

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Ethel Ong

Defense Panel Member

Charibeth Cheng

Gian Fontanilla


Story Sense is a web-based learning environment that acquires common sense knowledge from children by allowing them to fill blanks to complete stories. Story Sense has three types of users: 1) Authors, which are aged 7-10 and they allow Story Sense to acquire knowledge by filling up stories, 2) Reviewers, which are age 18 and above and are tasked to evaluate the completed stories of the authors, and 3) administrators, which are linguists that responsible for adding and editing story and relation templates in Story Sense. Story templates are premade files that contains an incomplete story were the blanks are answers to a relation template. On the hand, relation templates are relations that match the blank in a particular story template. Various theories from related researchers like gamification, crowdsourcing, knowledge acquisition, and interactive learning environment, were applied to Story Sense to motivate the users to continue using the system. Gamification incorporates game mechanics into non-gaming circumstances to engage the users into using Story Sense through the use of leaderboards, level-up system, badges, liking stories, and featuring certain things within a given amount of time which are all present in Story Sense. Crowdsourcing refers to handing over a particular task to a group of people which was done by making Story Sense web-based thus, enabling a wider audience to contribute into Story Sense which compliments the process of knowledge acquisition by obtaining more knowledge. For the knowledge to be considered as acceptable, a process of validation was done on the stories that were filled up by adhering to a certain criteria. After running the system for 2 days, results showed that through crowdsourcing, there was a 42.52% growth with the concepts learned by story Sense. Moreover, 81.61% of these concepts provided by children to complete the stories were usable to Story Sense, having received an average rating of 77.62% from the evaluators.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

xiii, 109, 25 unnumbered, 18 leaves : illustrations (some colored) ; 28 cm. + ; 1 computer optical disc.


Playwriting; Motion picture authorship

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