"A microcontroller-based monitoring device for simulated urine output f" by Rachelle Anne F. Gamez, Gianina Micah G. Paguyo et al.

A microcontroller-based monitoring device for simulated urine output from urethral catheterization

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Subject Categories

Electrical and Electronics | Engineering


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Electronics and Communications Engineering

Thesis Adviser

Roderick Y. Yap

Defense Panel Member

Donabel B. Abuan

Jay Robert B. Del Rosario


One of the processes still performed manually in hospitals is the hourly monitoring of catheterized patients urine color and volume, and its hourly disposal. This time consuming process becomes toilsome as the number of patients in a ward increases. This thesis aims to create an automated system that will perform this process and in addition wirelessly send the data to a database.

The system comprises data acquisition, drainage, and data transfer. The data acquisition involves the use of a color sensor, and an ultrasonic sonar module as a volume sensor. The sensors were interfaced to a P1C16F877A microcontroller, along with a solenoid valve for the drainage part of the system. The data transfer involves utilization of a Bluetooth Module to send from the microcontroller to a PC with Bluetooth containing the database and GUI.

The system was tested on simulated urine samples. The performance of manual monitoring and the created automated system will be compared. The implementation of this study can reduce this manual labor of medical practitioners and provide for easier and time-efficient supervision instead.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

x, 165, 15 leaves : illustrattions (some colored) ; 28 cm.


Urinary catheterization; Urinary tract infections--Prevention

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