"The Y2K Cobol solution, the Y2K cobol solution for U.C.P.B. batch syst" by Mary Elaine H. David, Cheryl O. Fuerte et al.

The Y2K Cobol solution, the Y2K cobol solution for U.C.P.B. batch system

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science


The year 2000 is fast approaching. This situation has caused an unprecedented phenomenon in the information technology industry known as the Year 200 problem, otherwise known simply as 2Y@K3. Y2K or the 2Millennium Bug3 has had a major impact in industrial and business sector around the world. The global anxiety is caused primarily by the programming practice of representing the year in date variables using 2-digit fields. The programs that adhere to the above mentioned programming practice may cause serious problems with processing requirements upon the onset of year 2000 and beyond.

The need for the modification of all affected source programs to ensure that year-related variables will properly handle processing requirements beyond the turn of the century has become apparent. The effort required to convert a sizable amount source programs to ensure compliance beyond the year 1999 will be immense. The need arises to automate the logical analysis , filtering and conversion of these programs, many of which had been written in the Cobol language.

The Y2K COBOL solution has been developed as an aid in the analysis and conversion of Cobol source from the CASA project team of United Coconut planters Bank. This mainframe-based system seeks to address Y2K-related problems that may originate from date-variables declarations found within Cobol source programs. The Y2k Cobol Analyzer detects the occurrence of date-related variables in the source programs and copybooks, both in their field declarations and in their use in the programs logic itself. The windowing technique is the used in the conversion phase. The Y2K Cobol Converter use the output from the analysis phase to develop windowing codes to be inserted in the source programs being converted. This windowing codes enable the source program to properly handle processing requirements into the next century. The system thereby address the need for Y2K-copliance in Cobol programs through a two-phased approach though analysis and subsequent conversion, and employs the use of batch processing in both phases.

The Y2K Cobol Solution also incorporates report generating through the form of detailed and summary reports emphasizing pertinent information in the analysis and conversion process. These reports may be checked in order to determine the date variables detected, date-related logic lines detected and modifications made, among others, Summary reports may also be used for impact analysis to determine the extent of the Y2K problem in the source program of the CASA project team. The system is timely response to a problem that threatens to overwhelm the industry in terms of its scope and impact. Following analysis an conversion, the converted source codes also undergo quality assurance to ensure the validity of inserted codes, after which these programs are to undergo rigorous testing under the CASA personnel. The systems primary contribution is the reduction of the need for manual analysis and conversion, which enables resources to be focused on testing for compliance and not on correction alone.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

2 v. (various leaves) ; Computer print-out.


Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems)

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