A study on the level of compliance with PAS 41 agriculture of poultry and livestock corporations in the Philippines: Impact on profitability

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business



Thesis Adviser

Corazon L. Magpayo

Defense Panel Member

Ma. Gina T. Manaligod
Herminigilda E. Salendrez


The thesis examines the implementation of the PAS 41 Agriculture with regard to the measurement, recognition, presentation and disclosure of biological assets of poultry and livestock corporations in the Philippines and its impact on profitability. The study is divided in two parts. First, it determines the level of compliance with PAS 41 Agriculture of poultry and livestock corporations using a descriptive research design. Second, it determines whether the implementation of PAS 41 Agriculture (independent variable) has a significant impact on profitability (dependent variable) using comparative and exploratory research designs. Under the comparative research, the authors used t-test to facilitate cross-sectional and time-series analyses. On the other hand, multiple regression analysis was used for the exploratory research. The latter incorporate control variables namely, firm size, age and ownership. It is evident in the study that PAS 41 Agriculture is not yet vastly implemented in the Philippines. This is reflected in the extent to which the 30 poultry and livestock corporations recognized, measured, presented and disclosed accounts such as biological assets and information related to the said standard. The level of compliance with regard to recognition, measurement and presentation is low with an equivalent percentage of 30.48% while the level of compliance with regard to disclosure requirements is very low with an equivalent percentage of only 17.92%. Finally, results show that the level of compliance with PAS 41 Agriculture has no significant impact on profitability.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

x, 125 leaves ; 28 cm.


Animal industry--Accounting; Livestock; Poultry industry--Philippines

Embargo Period


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