"Automatic brake system (ABS)." by Alvin C. Catapang, Adonis H. Luna et al.

Automatic brake system (ABS).

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science


There have been many safety features built for automobiles over the past years. Air bags, seatbelts and Antilock Braking System (ABS) are some examples them. But no one has yet created an Automatic Brake System. Only recently did developers tried to build such systems. Some prototypes have been developed but were not made available in the market. It may take a long period of time before this technology is perfected.

Automatic Brake System would prove to be very useful in the world. This will help lessen the occurrence of car accidents. People, especially those, who spend most of their life on the road, would be aided by such system. Lesser chances of car crashes. Lesser events of hit and runs. Lesser people hit by car. Lesser deaths brought about by car accidents. These could also be of use to old people, crippled, people with eye problem, people with leg problems, drunks, and people not concentrating on the road while driving because reaction time for applying brakes would be faster than usual. the system could also be applied to other vehicles like trains and other land vehicles. Such system could be applied to other fields like autonomous robotic system and navigation. These will certainly pose a major breakthrough in technology.

The proposed project intends to make this dream a reality. It may not totally eliminate car accidents but lessens the danger in the open road. The system may not also be fully functional but will be a stepping stone for future developers.

This thesis document discusses the details of the study. The objective of this document is to provide information to those who are willing and interested to this kind of technology. It also aims to educate future developers of systems similar to technology discussed.

Chapter 1, Introduction , informs readers on the background of study. How the study came to being and what is its connection to the current state of technology is also discussed. Objectives both general and specific, and the project's scope and limitation are tackled in this chapter. Methodologies, the proponents followed in order to come up with the solutions to problems, are stated in this section of the document.

Chapter 2, Related Theories , deals with the theoretical background that leads to the development and design of the proposed system. It is in the subtopics of this chapter that the theories are being discussed.

Chapter 3, The System , the design of the system is discussed in this chapter. Block diagram of the system and subsystems is further explained in this section. The proposed system's functions and applications are tackled in this chapter.

Chapter 4, Performance Analysis , explains the experiments and tests made to prove the reliability and feasibility of the system.

Chapter 5, Conclusion , summary of the first four chapter and the concluding remarks about the system is taken up in this chapter.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

96 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out (photocopy).


Automobiles--Automatic control; Motor vehicles--Automatic control.

Embargo Period


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