"Correlates of religious attitudes of Catholic high school students." by Chris Noel Bendijo, John Jason Damian et al.

Correlates of religious attitudes of Catholic high school students.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts




The study attempted to find out if and what extent is the religious attitudes of Catholic high school students influenced by their moral reasoning, household religious activities, and the years of religious instruction. The researchers predicted that a significant relationship exist between the said variables. The sample of the study was composed of 160 Catholic high school students from Manresa School and St. Mark's Institute. A probabilistic sampling method utilizing cluster random sampling was used to select the classes that participated in the study. The researchers administered the Philippine Attitude Scale and Knowledge Orientation (PASKO), Defining Issues Test (DIT), and a self-made questionnaire to the selected respondents of the study. The PASKO measured the respondent's religious attitudes, while the DIT assessed their moral reasoning. The self-made questionnaire measures the household religious activities of the respondents and the years of educational instruction they have received. These tests were combined to form a single test kit and were administered at a single test date. Two of the hypotheses were rejected. Only the hypothesis on household religious activities was accepted. Analysis on the data were separated into two parts. Religious attitude as a whole and components of it were correlated with the said variables. When exmained the religious attitudes as a whole, no significant relationship can be seen with moral reasoning, but when examined with it's components, an inverse relationship between moral reasoning and the attitude towards the church is visible. Finally, the years of religious instructions, even if examined with the components of the religious attitudes, do not have any significant relationship with religious attitudes.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

80 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out.


Catholic high school students--Religious life

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