"Manang: A short feature on kasambahay and the relationships they form " by Sofia Monique S. Brondial, Carl Angelo R. Herrera et al.

Manang: A short feature on kasambahay and the relationships they form in the household

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication Arts


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Adviser

Rica Leticia I. Arevalo

Defense Panel Member

Jerome Chua
Jose Javier Reyes
Raymond Barcelon


Kasambahays have become greatly recognized in the Filipino familial setting however, it is also evident that the concept remains a gray area in terms of their protrayals in media. It has become a trend for most kasambahays to remain intact with their profession as it cross over their personal lives where it involves intimacy and certain attachments as time passes by which is why the proponents found it an interesting topic to center on and further translate into film. The proponents aim to generate a deeper appreciation from the audience of the ups and downs of the profession and to express how the relationships formed in the household create such deep connections, even if they are not bound by blood. It is a film following both the old and the young--specifically the end and the start of a certain chapter in their lives. As with every beginning comes an ending, and Manang is a film that aims to embrace both.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

42, 11 leaves : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm.


Women household employees--Philippines--Drama; Short films--Philippines

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