Corallum flabello-phaceloid: living portion 15 cm high (specimen is a fragment of a big colony). Calicular surface confined to narrow region within meandering valleys. Corallum appears to be close fusion of vertical compressed stems reaching common level, sides marked with longitudinal depressions. Individual stem wedged-shaped; one not fully fused: 1 cm across at base, 3.4 cm x 0.7 cm at apex. Non-calicular surface (side of colony) made uneven by low swellings; constricted, surface around 7 mm below apex; above this line of constriction, surface appears shirred; ridge and furrows system well developed with ridges wider than furrows but this relation is reversed near apex; ridges armed with spines in very short rows, either crosswise or oblique in position.
Calicular surface in form of shallow, meandering valleys with irregular width. When branches coalesce their valleys become continuous with dissolution of intervening wall. Calicles form single row at rim; those inside without apparent arrangement; peripheral ones generally wider (little over 1 mm) than interior ones; both slightly protruding. Intercalicinal areas limited in extent, reticulate with round meshes.
Septa 10-14 (mostly 12), very thin, slightly crinkled, remnant of Pourtales arrangement may yet be found; surface smooth, edge in conspicuously dentate. Interseptal loculi grading imperceptibly into intercalicinal network.
Columella present or absent; when present, with low vertical plate as thin as septum; where absent, its place may be empty or crossed by septa from opposite sides.