Corallum incrusting, its upper surface nodulous, older portion around 8 mm thick, its edge only 2 mm. Growing edge lobed, lined with small immersed corallites.
Corallites on older portion of corallum projecting up to 3 mm, their tops rounded (globose); not completely occupied by calice; very crowded, often with only groove separating them; some cases of fusion of 2 adjoining corallites of same height. Wall neatly rounded, appearing thick. Corallites on younger portion with wider perithecal areas; only slightly protruding, one side (media) higher than the other.
Calice on younger portion round or slightly oval; on crowded (older) portion distinctly oval; up to 1.5 x 2 mm diameter. Fossa a neat inverted cone with small apex (columella).
Septa usually 18-22 in big calices, even in height throughout, sloping straight from calicinal rim to columella, uniformly thick. A triplet or 2 recognizable in some calice, composed of 2 long septa fused together at the middle of their courses and a short one between joining them at their junction. Septal edges granulate, surface finely granulate or spinulate.
Columella relatively small, oval or round, consisting of very few tubercles with rounded tops; in single row in oval fossa.
Perithecal ridges very thin, cut into very fine sharp spines of uniform height; furrows wider than ridges; pits visible all over. Spines of the same appearance cover outer surface of calicinal wall. The nature of these spines and the uniformity of the septa gives this coral its neat appearance.