Corallum creeping over dead portion of same species. Outer edge thin (1 mm), lined with small corallites, becoming thicker inward. Upper surface slightly uneven.
Corallites even with surface or only slightly protruding; many arranged in short sinuous series, specially those towards outer portion; very unevenly distributed – those on same series may be 1 or 2 mm apart; succeeding series 5 mm or more apart.
Calice round or slightly oval, around 0.8-1 mm diameter, many inclosed in incomplete wall so some loculi in some calices may be distinctly petaloid while others open into perithecal reticulum.
Septa 12, thin, project inward to around radius midpoints and drop vertically to deep calicinal fossa; edge denticulate, sometimes slightly crinkled, surface almost smooth.
Columella relatively small, consisting of few tubercles; in some corallites, middle ones forming keel.
Peritheca shows fine ridge and furrow system with furrow as wide as ridges; the latter topped with clusters of spines with fimbriated tips.