Corallum consisting of erect fronds, up to 17 cm high, variously folded, forming crowded confused system with back to back fusions here and there; edge of folia slightly inclined outward in some places particularly those towards outside. Fronds heavy, up to 8 mm thick.
Corallites in irregular, almost horizontal rows in some areas, rows 5-10 mm distant; immersed, small within depressions but projecting, subconical, ascending on flat or elevated surface; those near the edge of the fronds in form of long adnate cylinders.
Calice elliptical; big one 2.3 x 1.8 mm diameter, occupying entire tip of elevation.
Septa usually 20 in big calice, even in width; arching slightly from calicinal rim, then dropping vertically to columella; surface sparsely granulate or spinulate; edge entire or slightly granulate but near columella granules become coarser and more numerous.
Columella oval, slightly convex mass of tubercles with rounded tips, often with directive keel.
Perithecal ridges coarse, much thicker than intervening furrows, their upper edge cut into short lamellae without conspicuous spines. Non-calicinal surface with thinner ridges becoming coarser towards periphery.
UP C-889:Pinamungajan, Cebu (Nemenzo) 1959