Corallum encrusting on dead coral of same kind; growing edge free, slightly upturned, around 2 mm thick, lined with small corallites. Upper surface with prominent nodules of various height, one open at the top producing a small cup, 3 cm across at mouth.
Corallite very unevenly dispersed, without consistent plan on one vertical surface they are more than a calicinal diameter apart while on another of similar situation they are almost touching each other; generally within deep depression, corallites smaller, very crowded, slightly, protruding or level with surface but there are corallites of the same construction situated on place vertical surfaces - in latter situation the corallites are not crowded. Big corallites vertical, low truncated cones or cylinders, 3.5 mm diameter at base with calice 2 mm across, elevated up to 1 mm only. Smaller projecting corallites measure 2 to 2.5 m across at base, their calices correspondingly less than 2 mm. Flush corallites within deep depression only 1.5 mm or less in diameter. Those on peripheral area very distant, flush, 1-1.5 mm across. Calices mostly round; few oval. Fossa shallow.
Septa 16-24 in protruding corallites (usually 22-24 in big ones); wide, almost filling up calicinal space, reaching beyond radius midpoints before dropping into small oval calicinal fossa; edge almost entire, slightly crinkled, surface sparsely, finely granulate. Loculi not sharply cut from peritheca.
Columella quite prominent, oval, a tangle of tubercles, produced into keel (central ridge); in small level corallites, columella a single row of tubercles or a single small lamella.
Peritheca velvety in texture; very fine ridge and furrow system discernible, gyrating around corallites, the very thin ridges surmounted with very fine sharp spines. Tiny pores can be recognized on close examination with a lens.