Corallum creeping on dead coral of the same kind; its free edge almost 2 mm thick, lined with young corallites; 6 x 4 cm diameter.
Corallite attenuate, 3 mm diameter at base, 2.5 mm at top; projecting up to 3-4 mm above surface, mostly inclined towards direction of growth of corallum; irregularly disposed, not very crowded. Calices circular, practically occupying entire area at top of corallite, 1.5-2 mm diameter; fossa funnel-shaped.
Septa usually 24 in mature calice; unequally thick and unenvenly projecting toward center; generally sloping inward and, before half radius point, dropping almost vertically down towards columella. Septal surface spinulate; edge entire or granulate or denticulate. Interseptal oculi usually thinner than septa. Columella relatively large, convex, reticulate mass whose surface is marked with prominent granules.
Intercalicinal area covered with very fine, even spines standing on close reticulum which is generally obscured except in some limited areas—the reticulum takes the place of the ridge and furrow arrangement. A similar construction is present on the lower surface of the corallum.