Corallum massive, subhemispherical; attachment very extensive. Valleys discontinuous, very sinuous; 10-15 mm. wide, up to 8-10 mm. deep. Collines around 4 mm. thick, with very distinct but discontinuous groove on top. Calicinal centers in single row within valleys, usually 6-7 mm. distant.
Septa crowded, very markedly different in thickness and breadth, very thick and very thin ones alternating; smaller septa joining bigger ones before columella in heads of valleys; 12 to a cm. Primaries very conspicuous, around 4 times thicker than secondaries inside valleys; armed with 1-3 very large, irregularly distant teeth inside valley, and 2 vertical ones over wall; exsert up to 3 mm. Smaller septa very narrow towards calicinal rim where they produce 1 or 2 vertical sharp teeth almost as high as those of primaries, lower portion wider, bearing few sharp teeth. Lower ends of septa deflected towards calicinal centers.
Lower surface epithecate. Costae obsolescent except just outside calicinal rim of marginal corallites. Costal spines few, tiny, scattered.
Columella poorly developed, marked only by the confluent medial ends of septa producing few trabeculae; joined by 1-3 thin lamellae with dentate or sinuate margins. Vesicles visible inside loculi.