Corallum standing around 6 cm high, subhemispherical, about 8 cm across; base small; composed of flattened stems – one 10 x 7 mm at base. Branches non-coalescent, wedge-shaped, not attenuated, their tips flat – one 7 x 3.5 mm; another 12 x 4 mm.
Calicles crowded; 0.8 mm diameter; polygonal on tips of branches, becoming circular below; distinctly hooded in some areas; slightly elevated with thick wall but even with surface in others. Hood not always on upper side; obtuse or acute; in the latter case the highest point is a primary septum; opposite wall obsolete. Rows of spines run down outer surface of wall simulating costae. Hoods and contiguous perithecal areas just below apices of most branchlets marked by distinct ridges, with or without spines.
Primaries very conspicuous, reaching half radius circle, the free edges thickened, granulous, vertical to bottom of fossa where they join columella without producing deep loculi; very exsert, except among basal calicles where they are level with edge of wall. Secondaries occasional, very narrow, seldom forming complete cycle. Some tertiaries very occasionally distinguishable as low ridges against calicinal wall. Septa of uppermost calicles smooth, very narrow at calicinal mouth so that they appear to begin way down below, then expand towards columella; producing deep loculi.
Columella a tall slender sharp spine in upper calicles, granulous and stouter in lower ones.
Intercalicinal areas wider towards base than on upper regions, never wider than calicinal diameter; covered with fine spines, evenly disposed and, in some places, arranged in rows.
UP C-1024:Bubon, Burgos, Ilocos Norte (E. Galutira) 1960-type
UP C-1025:Bubon, Burgos, Ilocos Norte (E. Galutira) 1960-type