Corallum arborescent, 15 cm high; base broad. Branches proliferous, attenuate, cylindrical or subcylindrical at base, becoming slightly flattened towards apex. Terminal branchlets 3-5 mm diameter; diverging at acute angles; tips rounded or flat.
Calicles very conspicuous, deep, almost equidistant all over, around 1 mm apart, bottom of fossa inverted dome. Distal calicles subcircular, 1 x 1.2 mm diameter; basal one smaller, rounded. Low vaulting of distal wall discernible in some calicles at middle of branches; absent in those towards apex and base so that calicles in these areas flush with surface. Spinules fringing calices very fine, low, evenly distributed, resembling those on intercalicinal areas.
Septa rather prominent appearing to begin some distance below calicinal rim where they are very narrow than expanding medially; very thick but with sharp edges. Interseptal loculi deep.
Columella a broad plate with concave surfaces; in some calices, a tiny low spine stands at center.
Perithecal areas dense; spines fines, uniformly low, evenly distributed. The nature of the spines and their distribution and the absence of conspicuous ones on calicinal rim give this coral its “smooth” appearance.