Corallum an irregular sphere, unattached. Surface marked with prominent knobs and bosses of various shapes and heights; some are low cones (presumably young outgrowth, 10 x 8 mm across at base, 6 mm high), some are drawn out wide with their tops producing incipient branches – one of these with 3 incipient lobes: 17 x 10 mm across at base, 16 mm high; all have well rounded or oval apices. Base of corallum is presumed to be side with lowest bosses. Valleys shallow, open; deeper in areas where 3 or more converge.
Corallites polygonal but unusually with circular calices, biggest on summit of bosses (a little over 1 mm), smallest within valleys (less than 1 mm); level with surface or only slightly sunken; separated by row of heavily frosted separate granules or tiny platelets (lamellae) set across wall, on same plane as septa. Position of mural granules and specially platelets makes septa of one calice appear continuous with those of its neighbor, so also the loculi.
Septa triangular; wider near wall; one or 2 frosted granules present before pali; loculi reduced to slits. In some areas, septa thinner, loculi as wide as septa and corallites delicate looking. Septal granules as prominent or even taller than pali. Pali low, 5 or 6 – sometimes 1 or 2 carried on triplet, dorsal directives may or may nor bear palus.
Columella a depressed flat platform or may produce very low tubercle lower than surrounding pali.