Corallum massive, heavy, subhemispherical, 75 x 62 mm.
Corallites crowded on upper portion but distinctly distant (up to 3 mm apart) towards margin of corallum; very unevenly protruding so that surface of corallum appears very rough; many, especially those at the side, with peripheral side lower than other; circular when young, oval or compressed when full grown; multiplication mostly by extratentacular budding with buds intercalated among big corallites, although some show fission or intratentacular budding. Calices moderately deep; up to 3.5 mm diameter for circular ones; up to 5 x 3 mm for compressed ones.
Septa up to 32 in number, big and small ones alternating; 12-15 reaching columella; in some corallites smaller septa joined to bigger one medially; bigger ones exsert up to almost 1 mm above mural margin, exsert portions forming even arches giving walls their rounded appearance. Septal edge drops vertically down from arch, armed with granulous prominent teeth inside calice, with denticules only on exsert portion. Septal surface with rather laxly disposed blunt spines. Prominent spinulous paliform lobes on septa reaching columella.
Costae very conspicuous, extensive, also alternatively thick and thin; those from neighboring corallites meeting on peripheral areas; armed with very prominent transverse, heavily granulous spines in single row on each costal ridge.
Columella depressed, spongy, with few vertical trabeculae, lower than paliform lobes.