Corallum a heavy, flattened vertical column, 14 cm high, 7 cm wide, 3 cm thick. Living portion limited to upper 2.5 cm on one side, to 7 cm on opposite, on one edge extending 8 cm down from apex of corallum, on the other all the way to the base but in form of very irregular band. Living portion apparently encrusted closely to dead portion of corallum with edges closely adhering to the latter. Summit of corallum well rounded out. Plocoid.
Corallites very variable in shape (circular to oval, latter on low swellings of surface), size (15 to 3 mm diameter, most being 2 mm), position (most are flush with surface, other specially toward border of living portion slightly elevated), and number of septa and paliform lobes. Distant between corallites 0.7 to 1.5 mm. Young corallites on apex of column closer to each other, large (up to 3.5 mm), the septa more exsert, wall thin but distinct.
Septa 16-22, margin and surface spinulate, exsert to almost of equal level; edge vertical inside calice; exsert portion flat in flush corallites or arched in elevated ones. Narrower septa (not reaching columella) alternating with wider ones (reaching columella), just as spinulous and as exsert. Paliform lobes 4 to 7, location irregular so that septal picture asymmetrical, frosted, tall, reaching level of calicinal rim.
Costae equally prominent, spinulate, alternating with those from neighboring corallites on perithecal areas, seldom continuous and then demarcating groove always present.
Columella in small irregular mass, sometimes with few low distinct tubercles with rounded tips.
Intercalicinal fission unequal or equal, usually effected by merging of two thickened septa from opposite sides of calice. Extracalicinal bud intercalated among bigger corallites, mostly in young portion of the colony.