Corallum thin foliaceous, folded, bifacial, apparently vertical. Living portion 32 cm high, 73 cm longest diameter but because of folding this dimension is reduced to 38 cm; cut by deep incisions into lobes of various width; young region with slits; thickness 1 mm at edge and up to 7 mm ledge without epitheca.
Corallites large, in some areas a number of them form horizontal concentric rows of limited extent; on other places no discernible arrangement can be made out, corallites being scattered; distances between calices within same row vary from very close to around 1 cm; measured radially the distance vary from 1.5 cm to 4 cm or more. Calicinal diameter up to 1-1.5 cm (horizontal diameter). Calices depressed, always marked with interruption of septocostae, lower side usually projecting so that calices slightly oriented upward.
Septocostae thin, parallel, extending all the way from base to edge of corallum, except when they hit a calice where a break is produced and noticeable convergence discernible. Edge armed with fine, slender teeth, unequally distant. Spaces between septocostae blistery, the vesicles elongated, mostly closed.
Columella hardly recognizable, absent in younger corallites, represented in older ones by few tubercles extending from septa.