Corallum foliate, unifacial, vase- or flowershaped, irregularly folded; standing on small base; a little over 1 mm thick at the edge.
Collines around 2 mm high, 3-4 mm between two adjoining valleys; concentric, ascending, proximal side wider than distal thus giving a marked imbricate arrangement; older collines with triangular monticules. Valleys wide or narrow.
Septa quite thick, usually thicker than loculi; equal except in few places where alternate arrangement discernible on very close examination; 18 to half cm; slightly thicker within valleys than on crests of collines; edges sharp, very crinkled, producing prominent spines at angles; surface denticulate.
Columella an interrupted plate, formed out of convergence of expanded ends of septa on opposite side of valleys.
Lower surface abundantly spinulous. Costae in 3 cycles; first two topped with fine spines; the spines forming very dense bunches at the older portion of the corallum.