This is one of the tuberculate Montipores whose tubercles do not form ridges.
Corallum consists of an encrusting base overgrown with crowded mass of angular, proliferous columns. Base closely adherent to substratum on one side but projecting outward on other side; around 2 mm thick at edge; lower surface completely epithecate. Average height of column 6 cm, 4 cm across base.
Column vertical, subdivided into angular, crowded, calicle bearing knobs (terminal branchlets) with conical tips. Terminal branchlets vertical, almost parallel, coalescent, proliferous. One free branchlet; 5 mm high, 3.5 mm across.
Calicles elevated above surface, surrounded with 5-7 tubercles, around 0.75 mm diameter, numerous somewhat unevenly distributed, 1-4 diameters apart; less protruding on base and depressions, prominently protruding on upper regions of columns; distinct everywhere.
Septa irregularly organized. Primaries seem to issue from surrounding papillae which stand on calicular wall itself. Some corallites have 6 primaries reaching radius midpoints while others have shorter ones; some have as many as 4 to 5 secondaries, others do not have any; some have at least one distinguishable directive, others do not have any.
Perithecal reticulum rather compact with rounded meshes, obvious towards basal region where tubercles are long and bushy. Tubercles may reach almost one mm high at apices of branchlets but low on proximal area with spines very much reduced to almost granular size. Tubercles abundant, crowded giving coral bristly appearance particularly on terminal branchlets.