Corallum ramose. Stems apparently horizontal; branches vertical, flattened; terminal portions angular; broadened at points of ramifications. Surface very nodulous. Diameter of branch: 1.3 x 2.4 cm, another 1.7 x 2.6 cm. One terminal branchlet 8 cm long, 1.4 cm diameter; another 5.3 long 4 x 6 mm diameter. Living portion upper 14-20 cm.
Calicles around 0.8 mm across; unevenly disposed from almost without separating wall to 1-3 calicinal diameters apart; generally crowded within depressions. Calice slightly irregular in shape; some not sharply demarcated from reticulum.
Septa irregular in size and asymmetrical in distribution. Primaries generally prominent, thick, may reach half radius points but one or two may be much smaller. Directives recognizable in some calicles by their union at bottom of fossa. Secondaries never complete cycles. Septal surface granulous so they appear rough. Loculi usually petaloid or heart-shaped (when narrow secondary is present), or some continuous into meshes of intercalicinal reticulum.
Threads of reticulum wider than meshes; reticulum itself obscured by abundant tubercles. Tubercles around 2 mm high, not very feathery, crowded, unevenly dispersed. Towards terminal region of branches, some are joined together forming long longitudinal ridges with rows of corallites between.