Corallum a very crowded tuft of widely spreading stems and branches; 11 cm across at the top, living portion 6 cm high. Stems narrow at base, expanding fanlike upward, coalescing with each other; tips of branches lamellate, their long diameter oriented mostly in the same direction. Surface nodulous; upper expanded portion greatly roughened by papillae of diverse sizes although not very crowded, and by vertical ridges which disappear towards basal region so that latter portion relatively smooth but for nodules which bear calicles. Apices of terminal branchlets free of papillae, pitted by few calicles. The general appearance of corallum is that of an inverted cone; upper surface (base of cone) convex.
Calicles distant – around 2 mm apart at basal portion, around 1 m higher up – unevenly disposed. Towards base, calicles either on top of nodule or in depressions among nodules where they are even with surface. On expanded upper portion of stems and branches, calicles generally ascending with papillae as underlip, within depressions protuberances low or absent so that calicles mostly even with surface. Regarding their relation with general surface reticulum, two types of calicles may be distinguished – those with distinct calicinal ring bearing 1 or 2 papillae and those without this ring. More of the first type are on expanded portions of branches. The second type includes those within depressions and most of those on the basal portion. Calice circular or almost so; larger ones 0.5-0.6 mm across; small one around 0.3 mm.
Primaries thin but distinct, reaching around half radius points, some unequally developed; directives distinguishable by greater width, sometimes joining across at base of fossa. Secondaries very thin, rare except in big calicles where cycle almost complete. Loculi distinct or indistinct depending upon calicinal ring.
Intercalicinal areas compact, threads coarse, wider than meshes, except within depressions and on tips of branchlets where reticulum lax; in some areas, especially on lower surface of inclining branches surface appear cracked because of meshes extending some distance. Papillae of various sizes; on expanded upper region, fine papillae strewn around among tall cylindrical ones and ridges. Surface spines fine with granulous or spinulous tips.
UP C-199:Pinamungajan, Cebu (Nemenzo) 1953-type