Corallum ramose. Living portion 10-13 cm deep, separated from dead portion by white film or line. Towards the base, it is glabrous, midway it is foveolate, and towards the tip its surface is marked with prominent longitudinal ridges running to the apices. Branches very irregular in form, heavy, very crowded, and very closely coalescent so that boundaries marked merely by depressions or holes. The upper portion of the mass breaks up into short branchlets at the tip. Branchlets usually 1 cm high, very angular because of longitudinal ridges.
On glabrous portion, calicles 0.8 mm diameter, around 1 mm apart: on foveolate portion, 1 mm or little more, less than a diameter apart.
Septa in 2 cycles. In foveolate region, primaries thick, markedly exsert, reaching almost center of calice, lamellate but edge deeply dentate. Secondaries thin, narrow. Because of prominence of primaries, calice appears to be full. Directives not very distinguishable. Loculi not very distinct from surrounding reticulum. In glabrous portion, some calicles have primaries thinner, not as exsert; secondaries occasional.
Intercalicinal reticulum dense; meshes almost uniform in width, rounded, narrower that thread. Echinules very fine, even in height. Ramparts and ridges acute edged, usually sloping directly to calicinal fossa.