Corallum encrusting on old stock forming massive colony 12 x 8.3 cm across, 6 cm maximum height. Edge closely adhering, only very narrow strip free in some areas; epithecate. Surface evenly dotted all over with mostly nipple-shaped papillae, except near edge where some areas are smooth.
Calicles unequal, 0.5-1.0 mm across, flush; exclusively in valleys among papillae, several of them within a valley; most less than a half diameter apart. Calices circular or almost so; indistinctly or distinctly set off from coenenchyme, conspicuous. Septa thin. Primaries reaching half radius points or beyond; hardly convergent at bottom. Directives not always recognizable; when recognizable, slightly wider, may be lamellate. Secondaries very seldom present; as very tiny spines; cycle never complete.
Intercalicinal reticulum very distinct, meshes rounded, mostly wider than threads; spines fine, sharp pointed. Papillae mostly conical, or cylindrical, few elongated; average sized papillae 1.5 mm thick, 1.5 mm high; denser than coenenchyme; almost evenly disposed.