Corallum massive, irregular in outline, 9 x 9 cm across, 5 cm high; upper surface convex, marked with few low nodules of various sizes and shapes, separated by wide, shallow or flat areas; edge closely adhering to substrate which is dead coral of the same kind. General appearance glabrofoveolate.
Corallites somewhat uniformly distributed. Those on elevated areas typically foveolate – each situated at the bottom of a pit surrounded by low ramparts up to 1 mm thick; calicinal diameter almost 1 mm; diameter of a pit 1.5 mm. Corallites situated on depressed or flat areas smaller and closer; calices 0.5-0.8 mm diameter, markedly circumscribed with fine but obvious rings; flush with surface; separated from each other by perithecal space 0.2-0.5 mm wide.
Septa in calices on elevated areas quite prominent, complete primary cycle, reaching or slightly short of radius midpoints, one or two directives stand out of other primaries, converge at bottom of calicinal fossa producing small featureless columella; secondaries occasionally complete consisting of tiny points in series. Septa in smaller corallites (located on depressed or flat areas among nodules) less extensive than those on elevated areas but directives, and 1-4 other primaries, also produce columella.
Intercalicinal spaces on elevated areas slightly produced into ramparts whose surfaces bristle with numerous spinules without discernible arrangement, somewhat obscuring the reticulum. On depressed and flat areas, intercalicinal spaces flat with few small spinules, so intercalicinal reticulum is quite obvious.