Corallum a lax cluster of slightly divergent, coalescent stems; their surface very warty or nodulous. Living portion 5-6 cm high. Lower stems end bluntly; taller ones subdivide fanlike, expanded at level of subdivision. One tall stem 6 cm high, 6.5 mm across at base; 3.7 cm high, 6 mm in diameter.
Calicles distinct, diameter 0.6-0.8 mm; variation in diameter fairly discernible; flush with surface; with distinct ring around.
Septa very exsert, especially the 2 directives which are thicker than the rest; extending beyond half radius points, their edges entire. One to 3 tiny secondaries may be present.
Intercalicinal areas compact; reticulum distinguishable only towards tips of stems; spines sharp pointed, crowded especially on papillae. Papillae low cones, without definite arrangement with respect to calicles; becoming semicircular ridges around calicles towards tips of branches.