Corallum light, irregular mass; its upper surface high convex; under surface almost flat, heavily epithecate; edge closely applied on surface of previous growth.
Calicles 2-2.5 mm diameter; around 3.5 mm deep for all calices; polygonal, some deformed or irregular in shape. Wall very thin or membranous, sparingly and unevenly fenestrated; uneven height, edges rugged.
Septa usually only 12-14 conspicuous ones, tertiaries being absent or occasionally represented as very low ridges. Primaries and secondaries quite conspicuous (in some calices some members of the cycles missing), narrow at their upper part then gradually widening towards the lower part till they reach center where they usually join across columella; may be deflected sidewise; edges serrate or dentate. Interseptal loculi unequal in width because of absence of some septa.
Columella poorly developed, oftentimes obscured by crossing septa.