Corallites a subhemispherical mass, its thin edge closely adherent to dead portion.
Corallites polygonal with oval calices; relatively small, biggest 5 x 7 mm diameter, 3-4 mm deep. Reproduction by subequal fission. Wall thick (average 2 mm), rounded.
Septa thick, around 25 in big, non-dividing calice, around one half reaching or almost reaching columella, the rest very narrow, occasionally alternating with larger ones; some of higher order (cycle) joining medially with bigger so triplets recognizable in some places. Septa of one calicle continuous with those of same rank from adjoining calicles over wall so that as many as 6 of these stand out very prominently in every calice; exsert up to 1 mm. Edge drops without expansion to bottom of fossa; upper portion armed with 5-7 spatulate teeth with spinulate borders; lower portion with 2-3 taller conical teeth, crowded around columella. The spatulate teeth continuous all over mural summit to adjoining calice thus giving surface corallum its spiny appearance.
Columella small, rather compact, a few flake-like trabeculae stand out of surface.