Corallum a cluster of corallites arising from broad base the coalescent lower parts of the corallites with hardly any intercalicinal areas; 6 x 7.5 cm. Corallites stand almost 2 cm high. Budding mostly at base, sometimes close to calicinal rim. Young corallites distinctly trumpet-shaped but mature ones are almost cylindrical.
Calice slightly elliptical – diameter of big one 11 x 10 mm, its depth only slightly less than its long diameter. Septa narrow so that calicinal fossa large. Pourtales arrangement very conspicuous. Primaries slightly exsert, very slightly widened towards columella; edges and surfaces granulate. The 2 septa beside each primary start as very narrow ridges at calicinal rim, then widen at about middle of their courses to become as wide as primary. Septa of higher cycle with irregularly toothed edges, very perforate and very granulous surfaces.
Calicinal wall clearly reticulate around rim, becoming costate towards base. Costal ridges low, interrupted here and there by pits and low, blunt spines, the latter becoming slightly more prominent towards base; not as distinct as those of other species; 12 to half cm. Intervening furrows as wide as ridges, much interrupted by pits so that adjacent ridges appear to be connected by slender horizontal bars.
Columella very prominent, around two fifths calicinal diameter; oval, very convex, spongy mass.
The bases of the corallites heavily encrusted with calcareous algae and Pavona venosa.